The BID aims to attract more shoppers and visitor investment into its town centre by:
The BID will have a number of core events across the calendar year, including:
The BID will employ a range of tactics to reach the audience, including:
Our number one aim is to provide a welcoming feel to Newmarket, and help the town centre be a vibrant and attractive place for people to work, live, visit and enjoy – which is essential to help local businesses thrive.
To achieve this, the BID will employ two dedicated members of staff called the Newmarket Rangers, who will be responsible for welcoming people to the town and acting as an information point and ambassador for the town. They will be equipped to answer questions and queries about the area in order to promote businesses as well as ensuring that standards of cleanliness are maintained.
Our Rangers will also support local agencies to reduce crime and the fear of crime in the town centre. Working in close association with the police, businesses, Forest Heath District Council and various agencies, our aim will be to deter and tackle crime and anti social behaviour and to improve perceptions of safety, both during the day and at night.
They will also act in a supporting role to all BID businesses and be a familiar face and ‘go to’ person for any on-street issues.
Our other priorities include support and enhancement of floral displays and Christmas light schemes to make sure that Newmarket looks smart, vibrant and seasonal, with a reason to always visit.
By being a member of the BID, levy payers will see return on investment in various ways. These include:
Our independent cost saving consultant can visit your business premises and look at your utility, telecoms, pest control and test costs and advise you as to where you can make savings. We’ll also introduce further savings on a handyman for the town, shop window cleaner, commercial waste & recycling, and office supplies over time.
The BID will set up workshops across the year for BID members who require support and training in areas such as customer service, emergency first aid, access to finance and growth, marketing & promotion, and finance & accounting.
Footfall monitoring across the town and provision of performance metrics to businesses, including car park usage.
The Love Newmarket BID Secret Shopper programme and Awards evening enables businesses to fully understand how they are viewed by their customers. We then celebrate excellence in terms of customer service.
We will provide additional resource, marketing and coordination for Newmarket on issues by responding with one strong voice to campaigns designed to give the town a competitive edge, secure investment and promote it as an attractive commercial destination. This collective voice will be robust on issues such as improved broadband speeds and faster rail links. The BID will represent and champion the views of BID businesses and organisation, ensuring that there is a business voice on developments affecting the town and that issues affecting our area are dealt with promptly.
The BID will promote the availability of the existing car parking, harmonising the signage and identification of their locations. In addition, we will work with the Police and the Council to address inappropriate parking so that we can provide best availability at all times and reduce unnecessary congestion at peak times on the high street. We will also work with the local authority to maximise the car parking space available by introducing deals and incentives to encourage people to shop for longer and later, and providing the ‘feel good factor’ so that customers return on a regular basis to increase Newmarket’s regular footfall and trade.
It is important that when people visit Newmarket they can easily navigate the town. We will work with local agencies to improve the physical signage in the town and introduce web based and physical maps, with points of interest and business locations to ensure that every visitor can find their way around. We want a visitors’ experience to be easy and stress free.