Week Three of The Bill Tutte Codebreaker Trail. How are you getting on? We're revealing more teasing clues to get you even closer to that final number... can you do it?
Week Three Clues:
With more clues on release each week, there’s still time to join in. Pick up one of the books, priced at £2, from any of the businesses listed below.. then get puzzling!
Work through the pages to locate the clues and numbers needed to crack the code. But fear not, this is not designed to be an easy task, so we will place 8 clues around the town of Newmarket, revealing a new one every Tuesday in the lead up to the deadline. You can view previous clues in our News Section here.
We promise this is no easy feat. In fact we encourage as many minds to get involved, old and young, to see who can crack our mystery code the fastest. Deliver your entry forms to the Codebreakers Post Box, in the Guineas Shopping Centre on or by 27thAugust 2019. Winners will be announced on 30thAugust 2019. The first person to solve the trail will win £150 of vouchers to spend in the town, and a second place is up for grabs offering £100 of vouchers.
We’re proud to be donating 50% of the profits from this event to support our charity of the year, The GeeWizz Charitable Foundation. The charity helps and supports children and young people across West Suffolk, and is a charity we’re particularly proud to support with all our events in 2019.
To find out more about The Bill Tutte Codebreaker Trail, click here.