It’s not every day one of our local businesses receives an order to make 235 individual Jubilee Beacon Tarts. Yet that’s exactly what happened to Nancy’s Vintage Tearoom owner Simon.
As part of the Queen’s Jubilee Celebrations, the team at Nancy’s Vintage Tearoom has been tasked with creating these celebratory delicacies, which will be given out to residents at The Lighting of the Beacon on Thursday 2nd June.
One of many events Newmarket Town Council has organised, The Lighting of the Beacon will see our local beacon lit at The Severals from 9.15pm, alongside 1500 other torches that will be lit that evening across the globe.
The event offers Newmarket residents and visitors the chance to enjoy many firsts for the town, with a piper playing Diu Regnare, a unique tune especially written for this historic Jubilee, and the tasting of the Queen’s Jubilee Beacon Tart, baked to perfection by Simon and his team.
“It’s an honour to have been asked to partake in this event,” comments Simon. “The Jubilee Tart uses ingredients to represent the four nations of the United Kingdom, and so includes smoked salmon from Scotland, Cheddar cheese from England, leeks from Wales and potatoes from Ireland.
“We received the recipe from the Council and had to bake samples for the taste testers, which thankfully passed with flying colours.”
Lighting the ovens from 4am on Thursday to meet the order, Simon and his team certainly have a long day ahead of them but we’re sure they will still be smiling by the end.
We hope to see as many of our local residents supporting Simon and his team at The Lighting of the Beacon.
From 9.15pm | Thursday 2nd June 2022 | The Severals, Newmarket