Glancing back, we were delighted to see so many attendees at our Business Expo last month. We had a full house of exhibitors, and a diverse audience ranging from existing businesses, fledgling businesses and business studies students, who were entertained with talks from several local business owners who shared their insights and experience from their own business journey.
Looking forward, we are encouraged by receiving over 100 entries across the ten categories for the Business Awards. Thank you to everyone who has taken the time and trouble to submit an application. The judging process is now underway and we all look forward to revealing the winners at the awards ceremony which is being held at The Bedford Lodge Hotel on the evening of 26th May.
I am pleased to announce we are running the Easter Eggsplorer in the town where 20 of our members will have a Love Newmarket Easter Bunny hidden in their store. The event runs up until the 24th April with a £50 Studio Scribbles prize for the winner. Entry cards can be found at the entrance to Rookery House in the Guineas shopping centre. This is another event that will help bring visitors and footfall to our high street.
Looking further forward, we are pleased to have collaborated with the Town Council to organise a display of bunting to adorn the town in celebration of the Queens jubilee. The bunting will add colour and vibrancy to our 'street scene' and we have made arrangements to extend the display into as many of our streets and walkways as is practically possible, so that as many businesses as possible can feel part of the celebration. Later in the year, we hope to be able to announce additional 'street scene' enhancements which will help us maintain a more pleasing local environment. Contrary to some beliefs, the BID isn't the body that is responsible for the delivering the town's market, negotiating terms on the empty units or setting the car parking charges...but rest assured, we do engage with key stakeholders such as West Suffolk Council and the Town Council, to ensure that our voice is heard, and where possible we can influence positive improvements and enhancements.
The board is dedicated to supporting the town through such initiatives and are working towards making our town centre a better place to work and visit.
Steve Elsom
Love Newmarket BID Chairman