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The Bill Tutte Codebreaker Trail: Week Ten Clues

We're entering the last week of the Bill Tutte Codebreaker Trail! You'll be pleased to know we have another set of excellent clues for you to get those minds whizzing and those puzzles solved.

 So here's week ten:

It’s as easy as
2. The Lost Roman
Getting cross
9 = IX
He should keep one eye on that
She loved Scrabble for what it’s worth
6. How Many Steps
Day 1 = 1
Day 2 = 4
Day 3 = 10
Day 4 = 20
7. Which Planet?
If you are colourblind you might need some help
8. Which Door is Safe?
I wonder if tonight is safe? I’ll wait until the sun goes down and if it’s a clear night I will know
These 2 know, it’s Basil and the Fantastic Mr.....
10. Numbers and Letters
123   123   12345

With one more set of clues on released on 27th August, there’s still time to join in. Pick up one of the books, priced at £2, from any of the businesses listed below.. then get puzzling!

  • Mountain Warehouse, Guineas Shopping Centre
  • M&Co., High Street
  • The Gallops Tea Room, The Island, Fred Archer Way
  • Hughes Electrical, High Street
  • My Fotoshop, High Street
  • The Makers Shelf, Old Station Road
  • Tindalls News, High Street
  • Newmarket Library, Guineas Shopping Centre
  • Moons Toy Store, High Street
  • Studio Scribbles, Sun Lane
  • Palace House Gift Shop, Palace Street

Work through the pages to locate the clues and numbers needed to crack the code. But fear not, this is not an easy task, so we will place 8 clues around the town of Newmarket. We will also reveal a new one every Tuesday in the lead up to the deadline – just like this one!

We promise this is no easy feat. In fact we want to involve as many minds as possible, old and young, to see who can crack our mystery code. Deliver your entry forms to the Codebreakers Post Box, in the Guineas Shopping Centre on or by our deadline of 27thAugust 2019. Winners will be announced on 30thAugust 2019. The first person to solve the trail will win £150 of vouchers to spend in the town, and a second place is up for grabs offering £100 of vouchers.

We’re proud to be donating 50% of the profits from this event to support our charity of the year, The GeeWizz Charitable Foundation. The charity helps and supports children and young people across West Suffolk, and is a charity we’re particularly proud to support with all our events in 2019.

Want to know more?

To find out more about The Bill Tutte Codebreaker Trail, click here.

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